Wednesday, May 20, 2009

removing scuffs from patent leather

I showed y'all these new white patent leather kitten heels by american eagle that i picked up from the goodwill shoe sale saturday for $1.50. What I didn't share was that one of the shoes had a black scuff mark. I bought them anyway, because I figured that I could find some way to remove it. And, if I didn't find a way to rid myself on that flaw on my otherwise perfect white shoes, I would only be out $1.50.
So, I decided to search the net for possible solutions. I know scuffs are a common problem and not just because I could aggravate my mother to no end with my aptness at scuffing my shoes. I was sure I would find a remedy. Several people had posts stating they use nail polish remover. By the same token, I found several posts warning of the ills of using nail polish remover as it could remove the finish. Since I LOVE me some shiny shoes, I decided to avoid the nail polish remover. I, then, read about using goo-b-gone; but I am not a fan of buying a product just to use one time. Next, I saw suggestions of using antibacterial gel. Of course, I have my bath and body works gel in my purse, so I tried it to no avail. Finally, I came to a solution that worked for me; Mr. clean magic eraser. I happened to have a sample one I had received in the mail for free. Now, I had already used a magic eraser yesterday at work washing walls at work trying to remove crayon marks from our walls. So, my hands were already suffering from the dried out feeling that using the magic eraser leaves. I figured it was the best time to do it. I have no idea how it works, but it does. Another random use for the magic eraser I've learned from work is removing baked on egg.


Anonymous said...

Those are some very cute shoes. I love my magic eraser it works wonders. We just got a goodwill here in town. I need to check it out.

Unknown said...

i like magic eraser. i just hate the icky feeling it leaves on your hands. goodwill rocks. if you have a target in your town, you'll really be in luck. target gives their unsold clearance items to goodwill and you can really score on basically brand new goods. plus on clothes, they tag every item with a color and every day one color is half off. deals can really go quickly. i saw a set of knitting needles i should have picked up one saturday but didn't. by the next day, they were gone.