Friday, July 17, 2009


I am totally stealing this idea from my friend Shell of Stuttering Shell, but I figure it's fine since she stole it from someone else. I want you to interrogate me. Meaning I want to give you the opportunity to ask me anything, absolutely anything you please. And, I promise to answer it completely honestly. Considering how forthright I pride myself on being, this should be easy and possibly fun. You could ask me about shoes, shopping, what makes me tick, my pet peeves, anything your little ole heart desires. I think this is a great opportunity for sharing, finding out what interests y'all(totally cracks me up that a childhood friend recently teased me about still using y'all since she assumed I would be too citified to use that anymore. Not one bit.) and giving me more ideas for possible blog posts. So, feel free to ask away.

1 comment:

Coverse to the Oscars said...

Hey! Will you please follow my blog at ? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks =]