I know a lot has happened in the almost 2 years since I last blogged regularly. So much so, I almost couldn't quite remember how to work this thing. Here's a quick catching up on my life, and what I expect to be blogging about. I left my ex and now live with my best friend(You've seen pics of us together here.) and her family which includes a 2 year who truly has my heart. You last saw him here, but he's grown up soooooooooooo much. I've gotten back into knitting and thrifting and have found a new hobby in beading. I chopped my hair off uber short and went blond, got a couple of tatoos, and some new piercings which are not in the picture above.
This was my 1st tatoo and still my fave designed by an artist friend of mine. I'm now the first straight president of Fredericksburg Pride which takes a ton of my time, but is a great cause. I recently got totally hooked on Pinterest thanks to my friend Shell. I hope to get back to talking with y'all about crafting, cooking, organizing which is a must with my penchant for collections, and of course, shoes(I know some things never change.) In fact, I am psyched that during a recent trip to Target I happened upon a 75% off sale on almost all of their summer shoes. I was proud that I contained myself and only walked away with 2 new pairs. More on those later, I promise. I've decided I want to try my hands at some new craft techniques and take you along for the journey including embroidery(I grew up cross stitching, and though my mom did embroidery, I never tried it.) and working with clay.