Wednesday, May 20, 2009

do a good deed at the grocery store

I am a fan of couponing as I have mentioned in previous posts. I have even mentioned coupon swaps though I do not curently participate in one. So, right now I usually just leave the extra coupon pages from my Sunday paper at work in the break room hoping another coworker will pick them up. But, recently I've noticed as my coworkers have been cutting back and buying more generic items that these coupon pages have ended up in the trash more often than not. So, I decided to stop bothering with that. Last week, I decided to try a new tactic to share the coupons I won't be using. Often at the grocery store, I notice that people have left clipped coupons sitting around various items in the store. I have a feeling though that the store workers throw them away when they see them as they appear to be trash leaving those coupons unused. So, when I saw a fellow couponer, I just gave her all the pages from the coupon section that I wasn't using. She was grateful, and I was glad that someone else could put these coupons to good use. I think this is something others could do as well.


Anonymous said...

I heart when I get my coupons in the mail. I also check out to see what she has on her site for the month.

Unknown said...

there a ton of great coupon sites out there. i highlighted a few swap sites on my coupon swap post. tons of great places to get coupons online. i think i will have to do a post on where to find them. i often have freebie coupons in my daily posts. and are good ones of the top of my head. i like that i can just select the ones that i would use. proctor and gamble also posts on their site when their big sections will be in the paper. i also really like to combine coupons with extra buck rewards at cvs to save even more money on things like toothpaste that i can get at cvs which often lets me get them for .50 cents or sometimes free.