Saturday, May 23, 2009

being crafty truly is fab

picture from
I mentioned in a previous post that I've been reading Mommie Dearest by Christina Crawford, the heartwrenching tale of the tumultous relationship between Christina and her adopted mother, Joan Crawford. Trust me, the movie does not do these painful relationship justice nearly the way the book does.
And, even though, the divine Ms. Joan Crawford may have been bat shit crazy, she still was a bit or perhaps insanely fabulous. She certainly was the height of Hollywood glam in her day. In all of the horrors I am reading, I am filled with glee every time I read mention of Joan Crawford knitting. I must admit it makes me feel like I am in on something the cool kids are doing. There is even talk about modern celebs knitting such as Rosario Dawson and her super hot boyfriend Jason Lewis of Sex and the City fame. So, pashong on those people who say knitting is old fashioned or country, even the rich and famous do it.


Anonymous said...

I didn't see this movie, but it sounds like a great read.

MaryRC said...

i dont believe in insanely fabulous. i once quit a gig because the talent thought she was fabulous, she was just friggin insane. she was WAY too much work for what i was getting paid. i refused to come back the next day. they offers three times my rate to deal with her, and i said "No Way!!" she can shove her own old butt into her spanks herself. she left me a message in DRAMATIC tears begging me to come back. that was after she accused me of stealing her lipgloss. you cant pay me enough to work with high maint!