Sunday, April 19, 2009

what a "fan"tastic idea

after reading brittany of food for thoughts blog posts last week, i fell in love with one in particular. no, i'm not talking about one of her gorgeously photographed recipes. but, they really do jump off the screen and make you want to gobble them up. its insane how yummy her food looks. well, the idea that really struck me involves the award pictured below: according to brittany, april is "tell 'em you're a fan month" where you are supposed to pass along the blog love by telling blogs how much of a fan you are.

Now, here are the rules:
1. Leave a comment or an email for your favorite blogger(s) telling them that you are a fan of the site.
2. Feel free to copy and paste the award, or snag the image code to either present to your blog friend, or post on your site when it is awarded to you.
3. When you receive more than one fan, put the number of fans you have received under the image.
4. The more fans you receive, the better!
what an awesome idea. i plan to start "fanning" some of my fave blogs, and hope lots of y'all will too.


The Constant Complainer said...

Becca, I was reading your profile and it is worth noting that I placed second in a Texas Hold Em tournament on Saturday night. LOL. That's my award for the weekend!

I'm enjoying what I've read of your blog thus far!

Unknown said...

congrats on the 2nd place win.
i haven't played in months, but i do miss it.

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